She has fo-fulled her live long dream to become a model, and and actress.
She's been seen on the cover of 'seventeen' (love the magazine)
and on womans helath and ect.
gettin new film oppertunities from doing twilight. I've never heard of ashley greene before twilight
NOW look at her.
And also wouldn't that be awesome if her and Jackson Rathbone were together, together
just like rob and kristen?
How perfecr would that be?
(Jackson rathbone= Jasper Hale, with Alice Cullen)
Aparently they both really like each other, and hopfully this leads to somthing....
and now shes doing a movie called 'LOL' starring Miley cyrus ( : p ) sorry miley... and Demi Moore.
Here are some receent pix from dare i say : 0 the PARAZZI
i don't like as much as i admire Kristen...but shes pretty too (:
funny face lol
well see ya....are they anyone reading this?
if you are...hi....and thanks for reading, but i think this is me just spilling my thoughts and spilling news to the air, so people whoever you are, thanks